May 17, 2012

Life’s Plan or My Plan

In taking a break from yet another moving post I wanted to talk about “The plan”. Don’t we all have one? When I graduated my plan was to Teach Ag for the next 30 years, start a family by 30, and of course marry {G}. Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with my best friend back home. She called to ask how living in the new house was going and of course about 40 mins later we were onto talking about her new nephew, her first week at her new job, and her up coming wedding, then she asked, So are you still thinking of going for your masters degree?

Back when I first heard we were moving to Iowa I got super pumped up to be living near Iowa State University. I thought to myself what a great opportunity to go back and get my masters degree. I researched entrance needs and was pretty enthusiastic about going for it.

Now after the conversation, it up it caught me off guard. Honestly… I’m not sure if I ever want to go back for my masters degree. I have been so caught in the rapid change of life over the past few years that I don’t even know if I want to teach. I know deep down inside I do, but I think the rejection from the SD education system has taken the wind out of my sails. Now, I even have the opportunity to work from home which is a wonderful thing. It makes me want to start thinking about expanding our family. {G} and I will be married for 2 years in August and by then would have lived here in Iowa for almost 3 months… enough time to settle in and complete the large projects we have in mind. So when thinking about a masters all I think is…. Lots of time back in a classroom & lots of money spent on a degree that I don’t know I’ll go back to using.

Is it me that changes my mind constantly about what I want to do with my life or is it just life taking the reigns and I’m supposed to adjust as it steers in another direction? My only really deep thought on this is I don’t want to look back someday and say, “I would’ve really have loved to continue teaching”. Maybe right now it doesn’t matter as much to me, but what if some day it does?

Oh life, sometimes you really throw my for a loop-de-loop.


  1. I admire your attitude and love the name of your blog. Very insightful.

  2. Brittany,
    I really liked this post and have went through the same questions in my mind. I think as long as you are happy then that is what it is supposed to be. :) Enjoy the ride.

  3. I work across the hall from a teacher who took time off to raise a family and is now back, better than ever, since all her kids are in school now. I would LOVE to be able to stay at home with my little one. It's a difficult choice. Make sure to sit and talk out all your thoughts and feelings with {G}. My husband and I are hitting 10 years in July and that's how we get through everything. Good Luck with your decision!


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