Since I first moved to Mitchell, SD in August of 2010 I would read the local paper and cut clippings from it and mail them to my family back in Delaware. I’ve kind of stopped doing that since we no longer get the Mitchell Republic in the mail. However, I think this is something that I need to start again! Once a week I am going to post an article or two {depending on how juicy the content is} and post it on my blog.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to make fun of the Mid-West… I’m just observing the differences in the news here verses the news I would get from Wilmington & Philadelphia.
Article one: Today I was reading the Mitchell Republic online when I came across the title “ Bull escapes in Yankton- Prompts 2- hour chase”. The press really did a good job on this one with the title, I was intrigued right away – Aren’t you?
{ The article }
“A renegade bull kept authorities in Yankton at bay for about two hours before being peacefully corralled and loaded back into a trailer.
The bull was being hauled in a semitrailer when it bolted Wednesday morning and made a mad dash down the city's busiest street and part of U.S. Highway 81. Local and state law officers and wildlife officials gave chase, along with some men on horseback who showed up. The bull eventually was backed up against a fence, and it walked into a stock trailer on its own.
Police Chief Brian Paulsen tells the Press & Dakotan newspaper that he's thankful the incident happened after rush hour, and that it only involved one animal. He says no one was hurt, and the bull was fine.”
Yankton is located about 2 hours South West of the town I live in. I can just imagine sitting in my Jeep on my commute to work and seeing a bull hauling butt down the middle of the road with cop cars and horses chasing after it. It cracks me up that this made the paper. Good ol’ wholesome living. I just hope the bull makes it to his prime, or to my plate as prime rib. :)
Now to compare I did a quick look at my hometown ( or should I say Cities) news paper to see what is comparable to this article.
{ The News Journal Article } - Del. 1 Widening Project in the works
I could’ve posted 1 out of the 5 sad articles I saw on the cover of the News Journal Site… but that's too easy. Of course there is a lot of crime compared to the Mid West… Wilmington has a population of 71,000! I chose something a little more close to my heart, the over population occurring in Delaware. You can click to read here.
Lots of Residents in New Castle county don’t realize that the bridge between North and South Delaware is not only a bridge that hovers the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal but also the bridge that separated Suburbia and Rural towns.
When I was in high school we used to play Middletown HS (just south of the bridge) in soccer. People laugh when I refer to Delaware as being split – Upper Yupper; for us living above the canal and Lower Slower- for those who lived below the canal. We still refer to these terms when talking about people from those areas and schools. I can remember the farms in that surrounding area, and as you drove south the poultry farms became an abundance while neighbors became sparse, quite the opposite of what it has become. When I was coaching back from 2008-2010 we visited those same towns for tournaments and I couldn’t believe how built up it became. There are 2 new high schools in the Middletown area which would make it 3 within 10-15 minutes of each other! There are new developments and shopping centers where farms and fields used to sit waiting for the new crop to come in.
Now after reading this article I can only hope that agriculturalist and the farmers will help to preserve Delaware farms and keep it from sprawling further South.
Keep Delaware Beautiful, and leave the running of the bulls to South Dakota.
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