May 7, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up – Farmers Markets & Yakking in Malls

This weekend was quite interesting to say the least. {G} and I took our time getting up Saturday (8:10) had breakfast then made our way to down town Des Moines for the opening day of the Farmers Market. Now this isn’t just any farmers market, there were 40,000+ people from 7am-noon and over 250 vendors from the area!




Usually, {G} is not one for crowds but I was so proud of him for sticking it out and walking to explore the area. Every now and then we did duck into a back alley to skip over a block to avoid the crowds (man did they REAK of Friday nights bar crawls) and {G} did get to enjoy some of the BEST “people watching” that we’ve seen in awhile.

IMG_0689 This booth was of people who were REALLY into the “Super Moon” that was in the sky that night… Can you tell??? I think they are space people…

After that we made it the 45 mins north to Ames to the Cabinet place to talk about the process of redoing the kitchen and the owner was super nice and helpful. He will actually come to the house with an interior decorator to take measurements and tell us which lay outs will work. This made me feel so much better because as much fun as this all is I’m terrified to pick all these items hoping to make the right choices that look good.

I was STARVED by then so we went to Hickory Park which is a HUGE BBQ restaurant in Ames.


Not only was the interior awesome but the food seriously was soooo yummy I couldn’t stop myself! I ordered the Smoked chicken and sausage combo with Mac n cheese and coleslaw. Best coleslaw ever! I couldn’t finish so I took the rest for left over’s.


Later Saturday evening {G}’s boss invited us for supper at his house which is just a few minutes from where we were staying. We had a wonderful night with steaks, salad, and baked potatoes and lots of Wine. Oh goodness did the wine keep coming. I didn’t realize how much I consumed until Sunday morning….

Dah Dah DAHHHHHNNNNNN: Sunday morning I woke up at 6:30 and made my way to the bathroom to yak. This did not happen though, there was NOTHING in my belly so I went back to sleep. I tried to drink some water but my body didn’t want it but 10 minutes later I was in the bathroom…. this cycle went on most of the day. I thought I was completely over it around 1:30 and had promised {G} we would go to the mall for some items he needed. We hadn’t had lunch so we made our way to the food court when it hit me again… the smell of Chinese food…. McDonalds… panera bread… pizza… UGH my stomach did a 180 so I looked at {G} and said how about we just go to GNC so you can get your stuff and if you want to grab something to go we can do that on the way out. While he was in GNC I sat on the bench and continued to go downhill until I hit rock bottom at the top of the escalator…. The only thought I had is SHIT!  Where is the bathroom! I had no clue so what was the next best thing…

The garbage can at the top of the escalator… And there it was… probably the biggest low of a hangover I have ever had in my LIFE. A grown married women getting sick in a trashcan with people all over the place. {G} was so embarrassed he walked away until I was finished. I don’t blame him I think I would’ve done the same.

Lessons Learned from this experience: Is it bad that I wasn’t even slightly embarrassed ( I mean seriously… SHIT happens ) If anyone would’ve said anything I would’ve just lied and said…. “Oh, I’m so sorry early pregnancy sickness.” Haha def not the case but that sounds better then, “Yea I got wasted on too much wine last night… pardon mawh” I learned my lesson and will watch my intake. I don’t ever remember feeling that Shitty even in my college years… does this mean getting old is around the corner? I hope it has just been the LACK of intake over the past two years and my body not being ready for it.

Good Times….

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